Many are captivated when they see a heart design because it echoes several messages in the human mind. It has been the symbol of love and considered to be the seat where feeling springs. Relationships are represented by two adjoining hearts. A banner containing the name of the partners in love are draped across the design to symbolize unity.
Each person has his or her own understanding and reflection about the presence of tattoo on them but it is the heart shape that brings forth one popular and common meaning, which is love. Certainly, those who sport a heart tattoo are compassionate and loving. Why dwell and dedicate a portion of your body for a heart tattoo if you are not committed to believe its meaning.
Courage may be shown by a heart with a dagger pierced through it. Obviously, a broken heart may mean one who is hurt or undergoing trial. A heart with a crown of thorns symbolizes the forgiving heart of Jesus. A heart with fluttering wings means freedom and happiness. Our list could go on and on as we desire to connote the design with a particular situation in life.
Colors also provide meaning to the design. Purple hearts are reflective of health and courage. Red hearts are hearts oozing with love and passion. Black and blue may make the heart look dead.
With all these connotations and symbolism's about the color and design of the heart, one should not stereotype both the person and the design. After all, the best masterpieces are created when there is freedom that goes with each design or pattern.
Lastly, where should one put his or her heart tattoo design? Where else but on the middle part of the body, specifically within the chest area, both front and back. When your heart tattoo design is placed near your heart region, then that is the best place for a heart that beats life.
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